Re: information about JAXB release

From: Thomas John Kincaid <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 15:28:29 -0500

Hi all,

My name is Tom Kincaid. I am the development manager for the JAXB RI and
the JAXB specification. Just to follow up Kohsuke's commnets.

-We are on track to release in the middle part of this quater.
-There is a consenous vote according to the Java Community Process that
needs to take place. We don't anticipate problems but as I sure you all
understand it's outcome is a bit beyond our control.

Sorry, I and the entire team would like to be more specific about things
but I am sure you all understand we really can't since there is always
some risk regarding dates and standards.

Finally, I just wanted to thank all of you for using JAXB and for the
excellent feedback we have received. We look forward to doing more work
with you in the near future.

Please feel free to drop me a line from time to tim.


Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

>As far as I know, we are still committed to the schedule as outlined in
>Ryan's following quote:
>>Our current plan is to FCS mid 2Q03, but that is subject to change
>>based on what happens during the JCP process. We're closing in on
>>Proposed Final Draft of the specification, then there is a review
>>and voting process at the JCP. There are a number of things that
>>could impact our dates that are completely out of our control
>>(ie non-Sun JCP issues)."
>I haven't heard any news that impacts this schedule so far, though that
>doesn't mean there won't be one.
>Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI 408-276-7063 (x17063)
>Sun Microsystems