Re: Applicability of JAXB

From: Nick Duan <nick.duan_at_TRW.COM>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 09:27:37 -0700

Thanks Dennis for your info. Your article is probably one of the most detailed and comprehensive analyses on Java/XML binding I've seen so far. I feel that your classification of binding frameworks into mapping-based and code-generation based is very appropriate, in terms of helping developers to choose the right binding tools for specific applications. I'm looking forward to seeing the 3rd part of the article.


On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 19:44:51 -0700, Dennis Sosnoski <dms_at_SOSNOSKI.COM> wrote:

>On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:50:54 -0800, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>>> 4. Has anyone done any comparison studies on JAXB with other similar products? Castor, JBind, etc..
>>I think there were a couple of articles in and some
>>in IBM's developerWorks.
>I just had a two-part article published on IBM developerWorks covering this, including some discussion of the pluses and minuses of code generation from Schema. Part 1 ( discusses usage and features of several data binding frameworks, Part 2 ( covers performance issues.
> - Dennis