Re: JAXB Reference Implementation - GA Release Date?

From: Krüger Dr., Andreas <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 13:08:12 +0100

"Joseph W. Albert" <joey_at_PLANETALBERT.COM> asked
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 16:15:50 -0700:

> I'm aware the target release date is 1QY2003.
> Is there a more precise release date available?

>>From what I gather, "1QY2003" is just marketing noise.
The team working on JAXP seems to know that they won't
keep that date, but they don't go through any trouble
to publizise a more realistic date.

This assertion is based on one single mail that has
been posted somewhere in this mailing list. The relevant
quote is:

> Our current plan is to FCS mid 2Q03, but that is subject to change
> based on what happens during the JCP process. We're closing in on
> Proposed Final Draft of the specification, then there is a review
> and voting process at the JCP. There are a number of things that
> could impact our dates that are completely out of our control
> (ie non-Sun JCP issues)."

Unfortunately, I don't have the precise place any more, and
no time to go hunting for it. So you'll have to search for that mail
yourself if you care to read it in full. It's been here on this
list, and I copied the quote into an email for a colleague a while ago,
and back from that email to the list now.

By the way: I'd really like to know what "FCS" means. I searched
all over the JCP web site, found that term used matter-of-factly,
but I could not dig up any definition of that term.


Andreas Kr?ger