Thanks. Looking from your code, it looks like there's indeed a problem
in Oracle's XML parser. It doesn't seem to behave as it should be.
I think the workaround is for you to create a SAXParser by yourself and
pass it to the unmarshaller, like this:
SAXParser p = myCreateSAXParserFunction();
new SAXSource( p.getXMLReader(), byteArrayInputStream) );
SAXSource allows you to specify an XMLReader, and when you do so, the
unmarshaller will use it.
> As for the platform dependence of marshaller/unmarshaller, my guess is the
> parser was loaded by Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
> Outside the container, the runtime classloader loads an apache sax parser,
> but inside the orion container, classloader loads an oracle sax parser.
> I expericed similar problem when initializing JAXBContext the standard way
> with JaxBContext.newInstance("MicromagSchema").
By default, the JAXB RI unmarshaller creates a SAX parser by using
standard JAXP idiom (SAXParserFactory.newInstance.)
When you invoke JAXBContext.newInstance, you can pass in a classloader,
just FYI.
Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI 408-276-7063 (x17063)
Sun Microsystems