Problems with Workflow Management Coalition Schema

From: etc <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 16:21:31 -0500

Hi Kohsuke,

In a recent post, you wrote "If the schema you compiled is a publicly
available one, let us know the name so that it can be a part of our tests."

I've ran JAXB on the schema available at:
<> an
encountered a few problems. I've been able to create work-a-rounds, but I
thought that you may find this useful. (I am new to JAXB and XML in
general, so I don't know if the problems are with the schema or JAXB itself.)


   1) The schema defines types Participant (line 375), and ParticipantType
(line 387). The ParticipantType collides with the JAXB generated classes.

   2) Deadline (line 197) and ExceptionName (line 198) do not have type
defined which causes a jaxb compile error.

   3) Id (line 212) uses IDREF which causes a jaxb compile error.


   Java 1.4.1_001 (build 1.4.1-rc-b19)
   Windows XP

Ed Coleman