can't validate or unmarshall empty (nillable) elements

From: Michael Rist <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 15:10:03 +0100


I'm new to JAXB and to XML schemas... I use the Beta 0.75 with sun's 1.3.1_03
jdk on w2k.

I have the following schema part:

      <xs:element name="SOME_LEAF" type="xs:double" nillable="1"/>

Within Java, I can add an empty SOME_LEAF to my JAXB- Object.

1.) It's possible to marshall the (not validated) JAXB- Object

2.) When validate the JAXB-Object with this empty SOME_LEAF i get:
      DefaultValidationEventHandler: [ERROR]: null

3.) I can live without validation, but when try to unmarshall the file generated
by 1.) I get:
      DefaultValidationEventHandler: [ERROR]: Unexpected text ""


It's impossible to unmarshall the marshalled xml again.

Is there something I'm doing wrong. Is this a bug in the Validator?

Thanks a lot for your help,