Re: Support for abstract types?

From: Damon Maria <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 11:16:50 +1300

> Removing the xsi:type support from v1.0 was an expert group decision,
> and I personally think it was a very reasonable thing to do. You
> can't just take XML schema as its entirety at once. It's just
> too complicated. We needed to set a realistic goal to deliver something
> soon.

Does this apply to xsd:substitutionGroup as well, or only xsi:type? As I've
previously posted, JAXB could acheive some really useful and advanced
functionality if substitutionGroups were allowed.

To make it easy you could even require the substitutionGroup to be the base type
of the type of the element being declared. That way the substitutionGroup
heirarchy would match the type heierarchy generated by JAXB.
