- "Can't find dtd": Why?
- (no subject)
- 1.0-beta: getContent() usage??
- Associating JAXB unmarshalled object to the corresponding xml sou rce ?
- Can't Generate Java Classes
- Can't use swedish characters
- CLASSPATH and bindings with existing classes?
- enumeration with empty string as value
- Exception using ant 1.5.1 to build SampleApp1
- hashCode
- How do I specify CDATA for a tag?
- How to distribute a JAXB implementation?
- How to unmarshall custom subclasses?
- illegal val for integer, but no validation error raised in sample1 app
- IllegalAccessError when compiling under intelliJ
- JAXB Reference Implementation - GA Release Date?
- jaxb.properties and bgm.ser files in a jar
- mixed content
- mixed content - compiler bug?
- Nillable elements
- no code is generated to indicate a doc contains an optional element ?
- NotSerializable
- Parse and print methods - documentation error
- problems using JAXB to write a WebDAV provider (attribute "targetNamespace" has a bad value: "DAV:" does not satisfy the "anyURI" type)
- Steps to follow to run Java-XML application using JAXB
- Thoughts on JAXB 'pattern'
- Trying to understand marshaller behavior
- Unable to locate jaxb.properties
- Unexpected marshal result
- Unmarshal error
- UnmarshallException "Unexpected element {}:xxx"
- Using CDATA in JAXB?
- Using existing classes
- Validate Error
- What would you like to see in tools.
- XJC generates invalid type safe enumeration class
- XSD import support
- Last message date: Thu Dec 12 06:47:08 2002
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT