Re: What would you like to see in tools.

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:05:32 -0500

> (1) Better Ant Integration.
> It would quite helpful if the ant task only ran XJC if the schema had
> changed and cleaned up any left overs. As was mentioned on the list this
> could be tricky. If a new version of schema no longer contains an element
> that used to produce a java class, the class is left behind and needs to be
> manually cleaned up.

Good point. The intended semantics of

<xjc target="src">
  <schema dir="src" includes="*.xsd"/>
  <!-- other dependencies -->
  <depends dir="src" includes="*.xsdmod"/>
  <produces dir="src/org/acme/foo" includes="*.java"/>

is that XJC will remove everything that matches "produces" before it
proceeds. So I think this includes your "telling-XJC-own-the-package"

Sun Microsystems