Re: How to unmarshall custom subclasses?

From: Joe Fialli <>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 09:35:13 -0500

Magnus Bergman wrote:
> The JAXB EA allowed me to tell the JAXB runtime that it should
> unmarshall a document into a user specified subclass of the JAXB binding
> class. In the EA, it worked this way:
> aDispatcher.register( JAXBManageClass.class, MySubclass.class);
> How do I accomplish the same thing in the new beta release?
There is no way to accomplish this functionality at this time.

This feature was removed since it was too fragile
to be subclassing schema-derived classes while the
application was running. The likely hood
of inadvertent hiding, overriding of the schema derived
methods by the application supplied subclasses was just too

It is acknowledged that the ability to associate application
specific behavior methods with the schema-dervived classes
is important, but this functionality just did not make V1.0
timeframe. We will consider a static means to accomplish
this functionality via customization in a future release.

-Joe Fialli, Sun Microsystems

> I saw the same question in November but nobody seemed to answer it?
> Any help would be great! thanks Magnus
