Re: How to unmarshall custom subclasses?

From: Magnus Bergman <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 09:18:32 +0100

That's a pitty, it was a feature that made JAXB really great for me (and
for others I guess).

What's the time frame for "associate application specific behavior methods"?


Joe Fialli wrote:

> Magnus Bergman wrote:
>> The JAXB EA allowed me to tell the JAXB runtime that it should
>> unmarshall a document into a user specified subclass of the JAXB binding
>> class. In the EA, it worked this way:
>> aDispatcher.register( JAXBManageClass.class, MySubclass.class);
>> How do I accomplish the same thing in the new beta release?
> There is no way to accomplish this functionality at this time.
> This feature was removed since it was too fragile
> to be subclassing schema-derived classes while the
> application was running. The likely hood
> of inadvertent hiding, overriding of the schema derived
> methods by the application supplied subclasses was just too
> high.
> It is acknowledged that the ability to associate application
> specific behavior methods with the schema-dervived classes
> is important, but this functionality just did not make V1.0
> timeframe. We will consider a static means to accomplish
> this functionality via customization in a future release.
> -Joe Fialli, Sun Microsystems
>> I saw the same question in November but nobody seemed to answer it?
>> Any help would be great! thanks Magnus
> --