Re: Using existing classes

From: Gary Gregory <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 19:41:55 -0500

Hey, It's not like I work for Sun! :-) I'm just a humble user.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leon Smith []
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Using existing classes


I'm sorry to be so anal about this, but I'd really like to press for a
slight change to make the use of JAXB more flexible. If this was a single
vendor product, I could care less about its flaws. I'd evaluate it and if I
decided I couldn't live with it I'd move on. But we're talking about a
standard here. JAXB as defined now is going to influence the efforts of
countless developers in the future.
I can think of several ways that I can incorporate JAXB generated objects
into my architecture, but they all involve design compromises, additional
initial work, performance penalties and most important; the potential for
maintenance on my part.
Here's what I need; let me tell the ObjectFactory that for this xml source,
I want to specify a JAXB generated class to handle all the details of
unmarshalling, etc. and in addition I want to specify a class to serve as
the root object that gets instantiated and populated during unmarshalling
through methods which it must have because of the generated Interface that
it implements. Another degree of separation between the model and the JAXB
code I guess.
Is there any chance of this happening ?