> you said you used:
> JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("some.my.package",
> some.my.package.WindowTemplate.class.getClassLoader());
> but this shouldn't even compile. Shouldn't it be:
> JAXBContext jc =
> JAXBContext.newInstance("mao.snmp.screens.smlbindings.screens",
> mao.snmp.screens.smlbindings.screens.WindowTemplate.class.getClassLoader());
> Is WindowTemplate.class in the JAR?
Of course, it was
JAXBContext jc =
(xmlbindings, not smlbindings). And of course the code compiled ok and the class
was in the jar. I changed the name of the package to an exemplary one, because I
am using a few different XML schemas and thus a few different JAXB-generated
sets of classes. Sorry for that.
Nonetheless, the workarounbd I am using with success is to place both bgm.ser
and jaxb.properties files in a plain directory (or, to be more precide, in a
directory tree that corresponds to the package name), somewhere in a classpath.
Someone suggested here that this approach with ClassLoader was used with success
to refer to these files when they are in a jar. I could not get this behavior
and would like to explain a possible cause. Has anyone tried it with success?
Best regards in 03,