Re: FW: How to distribute a JAXB implementation?

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 17:20:42 -0500

Wiedmann, Jochen wrote:
> A question that concerns me is whether and how it is
> allowed to distribute parts of JAXB as part of the
> JaxMe distribution.
> Also, if that matters, whether it is allowed to add
> these to a CVS repository, which is available to the
> public.
> Also, if it is allowed to use these files for a
> derived work. In particular, it would be nice to
> offer a Javadoc, which includes the JAXB Javadoc.


First of all, the current beta license prohibits you from redistributing any part
of the RI. The beta release is evaluation-only. Please see bullets 2.0 "Limited
License" and 3.0 "License Restrictions" in docs/JAXBv1.0.pBeval.119645.html of your
beta release for more detail.

When JAXB 1.0 FCS ships, there will be an entirely new license that will define the
rules for redistributing JAXB. I can't give you more detail than that because I
haven't seen the license yet.

I realize I haven't specifically addressed all of your questions, but that is all
the information I currently have available.

--Ryan Shoemaker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.