Class generation and <xsd:include>

From: Brett Ramdeen <bramdeen_at_CERTAPAY.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 14:17:47 -0700

I have a collection of schemas which are dependent on a parent schema that defines basic types which are common to all of the child schemas. The child schemas all refer to the parent schema by use of an <xsd:include> tag.

When generating the java classes for the child schemas, I specifiy a different package for each child. Ie: Two schemas called A.xsd and B.xsd would for example have their JAXB interfaces and classes created in the package and

My concern is that since A.xsd and B.xsd include common_types.xsd (for sake of the example). The interfaces and implementation classes found in common_types.xsd are created in both AND These classes do not need to be created twice.

Is there a way to specify a package location for common_types.xsd such that its classes are created in a single common place, for example, and so that the classes created from A.xsd and B.xsd refer to the helper classes in this package?