Re: White Space Elimination Problem

From: Marcus Walls <marcus.walls_at_ASPECTIVE.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 07:16:02 -0700

I seem to be able to get the behaviour I'm looking for
by doing the following:

 1. Manually remove the WhiteSpaceProcessor.collapse() calls
    in the calls to my parse method in the generated code.

 2. Set the unmarshaller to not do validation.

 3. Perform manual validation after unmarshalling -
    presumably this works because the strings have already
    been trimmed by my custom parse method.

 4. Perform manual validation before marshalling.

Whilst this may not suit everyone (with the exception of step 1)
I'm more than happy to pay this as the cost of getting rid of
a lot of custom code, and reducing development effort.

I'm hoping as per earlier posts that step 1 will go away if
indeed it is a bug.

