Dominique Devienne has written an ant task for jaxb that is much
smarter than the one in Jaxb 1.0 beta. His task has been working
well for us.
For details see
- Venkat
-----Original Message-----
From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi []
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: What would you like to see in tools.
> This ant scriptlet doesn't appear to work with the 0.75 version:
> file:/home/bporter/cvs/tr3/java/build.xml:496: The <xjc> task doesn't
> support the nested "produces" element.
> is this a new feature?
This is a proposal of additional feature to the XJC task. It's not
implemented in the beta version.
> If you come up with a dependset alternative, I'd love to hear it. Not
> sure if Ant 1.5 is a fair assumption for all though.
I thought about this a bit, but I couldn't think of a way to make it
easy to combine <dependset> with <xjc>. I'd love to hear it if somebody
can think of it, too.
Sun Microsystems