Re: Why we don't support abstract complex types

From: Vishy Kasar <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:45:30 -0800

Hi Kohsuke,

Thanks for your quick response. For the JAXB RI, is the following compromise possible?

Whenever JAXB RI sees an abstract type, it generates a generic java class that simply
reads in the XML fragment for that element as is. This generic class will have accessor methods
    DOM getElementAsDOM();
    String getElementAsText();


This class essentially knows how to read XML element as is and how to write it back.

With this (minor?) modification to JAXB RI, we can still use it on schemas which have abstract types.
The application can then deal with abstract type in the schema as it feels fit. This way, JAXB RI is still
usable in cases where schema uses abstract. Let me know what you think.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:59 PM
  Subject: Why we don't support abstract complex types

> Is there any plan to support abstract types for JAXB 1.0? If not, am I
> out of luck or is there any approach I can use to still use JAXB to do
> most stuff and hand code the java corresponding to abstract types?

  In JAXB1.0, I think a provide is not required to support type
  substitution through @xsi:type. And RI isn't going to.
  An abstract complex type is a sign that @xsi:type is going to be used in
  the instance document, so that's why we raise an error.

  Now this doesn't mean that other providers are not going to support this
  feature since they are allowed to do so by the spec. But I'm not aware
  of any such implementation right now.

  For RI, unfortunately there's not much workaround. If your application can
  ignore the part that use the type substitution, you can cut the relevant
  part from your schema.

  Or if you are really desperate, I guess technically you can transform it
  to another format first then unmarshal it.


  Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI 408-276-7063 (x17063)
  Sun Microsystems