Generated impl classes have very long lines

From: Stewart Burnett <stewart.burnett_at_CGEY.COM>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 04:23:26 -0700


I'm having a bit of difficulty with the impl classes which are generated as these contain a very long line starting;

private final static com.sun.msv.grammar.Grammar schemaFragment = com.sun.xml.bind.validator.SchemaDeserializer.deserialize(

In my classes the string is over 30k bytes long - at run time. The actual line is around 100k bytes long.

This is causing problems with various tools I use - Rational ClearCase doesn't support text files with lines over 8000 bytes long and it causes strange behaviour in both my text editor 'Editeur' and IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer v5.

Obviously I can split the line but this is rather tedious when I need to get it down to < 8k byte chunks, and potentially error prone as the line is largely composed of escaped Unicode characters.

Is there an alternative?

