how use compiled class in runtime

From: Patricio Crowley <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 01:25:58 -0300

I'm a begineer ,user of jaxb an i have a quetion

Can i compile and use , a class created from a schema , in runtime?

If this is true can you to tell me how?

The situation is the fololwing , I send a request to web Service , and receive a message (response) , in xml format (Soap) , and I can use objects , inside of xml decoment (really from respective schema) , use the classes compiled by jaxb compiler .

   I cannot have to compile what I receive before using it.

thank you for any answer

Patricio Crowley

 L.I.F.I.A (Laboratorio de Investigacion y Formacion en Informatica Avanzada)

UNLP (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)

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