Re: xjc - compiling schema that references other namespace without schema

From: Deepak Vohra <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:43:33 -0700 (PDT)

  Is the type="sap:BAPIRET2" defined in another schema?

Dmitri Colebatch <> wrote:
  Hi all,

I thought this was possible, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm
thinking of something else.

I have a schema that refers to some types that SAP uses.
Unfortunately there's no nice way (that I know of) to get these types
out of SAP in a general form. The relevant parts of my schema are:

elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">



I have previously compiled the BAPIRET2 type, and have put that on the
classpath. I'm running xjc using:

xjc -classpath e:\dev\tmp\common-helper\jaxb-classes -d jaxb

and I get this error:

parsing a schema...
[ERROR] src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'sap:BAPIRET2' to a(n)
'type definition' component.
line 101 of file:/E:/dev/tmp/tJunction/schema/s3/2004/12/14/common.xsd

Failed to parse a schema.

This makes a fair bit of sense, but I thought I could avoid this by
putting and existing class that already represented that type on the
classpath. Obviously (unless I'm missing something) this isn't the

So - is this possible (and if so how)? Given that I can't find the
above strings in the jaxb source I'm assuming these are coming
directly from the parser.

Alternatively, does anyone have any advice on how to handle the
situation where you want to refer to types that don't exist in
statically available schemas. The way I get these types out of SAP
atm is to get the WSDL (available for each BAPI) and pull the schema
out of that before running xjc over it. I have to do these one at a
time because they contain duplicate copies of the same types (as you'd

What I'd like my build process to be is I firstly create a jar that
contains all the compiled SAP schemas, and then I give that to xjc
when compiling. My current approach (which has been causing trouble)
is to have a hand built schema "sap.xsd" that references to types we
need from SAP. Of course the problem with this is that it gets out of
date a little too easily.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated.


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