Re: How to add sgml / an xhtml tree without jaxb bindings

From: Martin Grotzke <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 21:00:38 +0200


Just for the record: I have implemented the following to achieve what I
was looking for:

final Elements pElement = Elements.el( "p" )
    .add( Elements.val( "h3", "foo" ) )
    .add( Elements.el( "pre" )
        .add( Elements.val( "code", "some code" ) ) );

See the implementation of Elements below.

This is just a start. The value (val) stuff is implemented somehow
naive, as it would not allow like val( "h3", "my
<em>emphasized</em> header" )...

Any recommendations welcome!


=========================== =====================

public class Elements extends JAXBElement<XhtmlElementType> {

    public static Elements el( String elementName ) {
        return createElement( elementName );

    public static Object val( String elementName, String value ) {
        return createElement( elementName, value );
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public Elements(QName name, Class<XhtmlElementType> clazz,
            XhtmlElementType element) {
        super( name, clazz, element );
    public Elements add( Object ... childNodes ) {
        if ( childNodes != null ) {
            for ( Object childNode : childNodes ) {
                getValue().getChildNodes().add( childNode );
        return this;

    public Elements addChild( Object child ) {
        getValue().getChildNodes().add( child );
        return this;

    private static Elements createElement( final String elementName ) {
        try {
            final XhtmlElementType element = new XhtmlElementType();
            final Elements jaxbElement = new Elements(
                    new QName( "", elementName ),
                    element );
            return jaxbElement;
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            throw new RuntimeException( e );

    private static JAXBElement<XhtmlValueType> createElement( final String elementName, String value ) {
        try {
            final XhtmlValueType element = new XhtmlValueType();
            element.value = value;
            final JAXBElement<XhtmlValueType> jaxbElement = new JAXBElement<XhtmlValueType>(
                    new QName( "", elementName ),
                    element );
            return jaxbElement;
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            throw new RuntimeException( e );


===================== =====================

@XmlAccessorType( XmlAccessType.FIELD )
@XmlType( name = "foo", propOrder = { } )
@XmlRootElement( name = "foo" )
public class XhtmlElementType {
    protected List<Object> any;

    public List<Object> getChildNodes() {
        if (any == null) {
            any = new ArrayList<Object>();
        return this.any;

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@XmlAccessorType( XmlAccessType.FIELD )
@XmlType( name = "valueType", propOrder = { } )
@XmlRootElement( name = "valueType" )
public class XhtmlValueType {

    protected String value;

===================== =====================

public class ObjectFactory {
    public XhtmlElementType createXhtmlElementType() {
        return new XhtmlElementType();

    public XhtmlValueType createXhtmlCodeType() {
        return new XhtmlValueType();

On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 11:32 +0200, Martin Grotzke wrote:
> Hi,
> I just want to create an xml document and add some xhtml elements as
> child nodes somewhere (e.g. <p><h3>foo</h3><pre><code>some
> code</code></pre></p>). However, I couldn't find bindings for xhtml, and
> didn't manage to create them from the xsds.
> So I see these possibilities:
> 1) Write bindings for xhtml manually
> 2) Find existing bindings for xhtml
> 3) Manage to add some sgml / xhtml tree without beeing forced to
> create jaxb bindings.
> I would prefer 3) or 2)
> like this would be nice:
> Elements.el( "p" ).add( Elements.el( "h3" ).value( "foo" ) ).add( Elements.el( "pre" )...
> Can anybody help with this?
> Thanx && cheers,
> Martin