Validator finds cycles where there are none?

From: Andrew Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 13:37:16 +0100

 I think I've found a problem with the Validator generated for some
classes, where by if you have a container element C, and a subchild D
which you repeat in the form
then the validator keeps track of objects (identity-wise) that it has
already seen, so when it comes to the 2nd occurrence (but same object
instance) of D it thinks it has found a cycle and complains..
ie the XML object tree would be created by code like
    ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
    C c = factory.createC();
    D d = factory.createD();
    .. setup d ..
    Validator v = ...
    v.validate(c); // throws a validation error complaining about a
does this sound reasonable/the correct behaviour?
I've worked-around this (or fixed my code..) by cloning "d", ie
    ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
    C c = factory.createC();
    D d1 = factory.createD();
    D d2 = factory.createD();
    .. setup d1 ..
    .. setup d2 ..
    Validator v = ...