Re: External customization and duplicate classes with different name

From: Sekhar Vajjhala <Sekhar.Vajjhala_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:11:31 -0400

Ranjith,R wrote:

> Thanks for the reply, but I am using jaxb impl packed with jwsdp 1.5,
>ie; 1.0.4b.. version of jaxb impl. Please let me know if you are using
>any implementation which doesnt require jdk 5.0
No. I was using JAXB 2.0 RI.

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>On 6/22/05, Sekhar Vajjhala <> wrote:
>>Ranjith,R wrote:
>>>I am trying some external customization so that the generated
>>>classnames match my existing classes(I am doing a jaxb migration)
>>>I have the following XSD construct.
>>> <xsd:element name="Smaple_Protocl">
>>> <xsd:complexType>
>>> <xsd:sequence>
>>> <xsd:element ref="LocInfo"/>
>>> <xsd:element ref="SampInfo"/>
>>> </xsd:sequence>
>>> </xsd:complexType>
>>> </xsd:element>
>>> ........
>>> ........
>>> <xsd:element name="SampInfo">
>>> <xsd:complexType>
>>> <xsd:sequence>
>>> <xsd:element ref="SE01"/>
>>> <xsd:element ref="SE02"/>
>>> </xsd:sequence>
>>> <xsd:attribute fixed="sample info trailer" name="desc"
>>> </xsd:complexType>
>>> </xsd:element>
>>>Now, in a binding xjb file I have the following line:
>>><jxb:bindings node="//xsd:element[@name='SampInfo']">
>>><jxb:class name="Sample"/>
>>>So my intention is to create class called "". It gets
>>>generated also. But, the class created for element "Sample_Protocl",
>>>contains API getSampInfo(), which returns a class called "SampInfo".
>>>i.e; the signature is:
>>> public SampInfo getSampInfo()
>>>Where as I expected the getter method to be generated with following signature:
>>> public Sample getSampInfo()
>>I tried your example with an internal version of the JAXB RI that I have.
>>It does generate the above signature. If you are running an older version
>>of JAXB RI, perhaps you can try with a later version.
>>Also note if you want
>> public Sample getSample()
>>instead of
>> public Sample getSampInfo()
>>then you can the you can the JAXB <property> customization on
>><element name="SampInfo">
>>>What xjb entry nees to be added? I guess the element
>>><jxb:bindings node="//xsd:element[@name='Sample_Protocl']> needs to
>>>have some reference to "Sample" instead of "Samp".
>>>If you have any Idea, let me know.
>>>Thanks in advance
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