Re: New plugin - enhanced Bean Property Listeners Injection

From: Martin Grebac <Martin.Grebac_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:31:07 +0100

 thank you, I added your plugin to the list on jaxb2-commons, it shall
be on the page within an hour.

No 0ne wrote:
> Hello,
> just finished the first development cycle (including some tests) for an
> enhanced Property Listener Injection add on to xjc, based on the similar
> authored by Jerome Dochez.
> I would be delighted if it will be judged as worth listing in the
> jaxb2-commons page, even if I wouldn't ask to be hosted on site
> for the present.
> Uploaded at:
> with the minimalistic UG at:
> Maintained both CDDL and GPL2 licenses.
Your site does mention a different type of licence.