xjc ant task error "is not a valid version number" error

From: Dovholuk, Clint <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:34:18 -0500

I just joined the mailing list so forgive me if this issue has been
covered (a google search and searching and produced
no help...

I'm trying to run xjc similar to:

      <xjc package="some.pkg" removeOldOutput="true" target="c:\test">
          <schema file="${basedir}/wsdls/dependant.xsd" />
          <depends file="${basedir}/wsdls/Base.xsd" />
          <produces dir="${basedir}/generated/some/pkg" includes="**/*"

And when this runs I get the following error:

  Buildfile: c:\test\build.xml
       [echo] Generating java files using JAXB
  c:\test\build.xml:1253: c:\test is not a valid version number
  Total time: 7 seconds

Any thoughts on what's happening here?

Thanks in advance...