Re: JAXB generated Java Model + JXPath

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 10:27:11 +0200


>>For instance - execute XPath query in a relational database through
> I imagine it would have to be a subset of XPath. It would be very
> ineffecient to do the follwoing:
> .//Foo[name='bar']

You're right, XPath has quite a lot of conceptual incompatibilities with
relational things. Actually, it's quite a huge research topic.
However, for a simple, limited but yet reasonable subset it must not be
too complex.

> But more straightforward queries would be very doable I would think -
> wouldn't even need to be a JAXB plugin, just use the same annotations.

Well, I'm not sure.
