Re: accessing schema info at runtime

From: Dmitri Colebatch <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 19:37:01 +1000

is that real or mockups? that looks like you've got quite a long way
with it, is this something that you're interested in making open
source? looks very impressive at a glance.


On 8/4/05, Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:
> Hi.
> > I have a web-based forms application in which the structure of the form
> > corresponds to an XML Schema while the data in the form corresponds to
> > an instance of the XML Schema. I'd like to generate the HTML form using
> > my JAXB 2.0 schema-generated classes and interfaces. With my simple
> > types that are enumerations, I'm able to populate a drop down list since
> > I can get the values of an Enum. However, I'd like to do a similar type
> > of thing for complex content, that is create a drop down list that lists
> > all of the possible sub-elements that can be contained by a given element.
> Interesting, I'm working on the similar project.
> Have a look at the screenshots in my blog:
> It's in russian/german, but pictures ans schemas speak for themselves.
> This is a JAXB 1.0 based projects and I'm using add-ons to generate
> everything (language packs, JSF-driven UI).
> Bye.
> /lexi
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