Re: using extensionBindingPrefixes within an external binding file

From: Lucas Madar <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:07:43 -0700

I traced my problem further and figured out that xjc is basically
ignoring what I put in the extensionBindingPrefixes part of the root
jaxb:bindings element.

I found this within the xsd for jaxb binding files via the jaxb
specification in regards to extensionBindingPrefixes:
/A schema compiler only processes this attribute when it occurs on an an
instance of xs:schema element. The value of this attribute is a
whitespace-separated list of namespace prefixes. The namespace bound to
each of the prefixes is designated as a customization declaration namespace.
So, how does one reproduce this functionality in an external bindings file?

Lucas Madar