JAXB binding to non java webservices SOAP-RPC Complex Data Types

From: Curtis Fleischer <>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 12:26:51 -0500

First I am attempting to use a non-Java Webservice located on the web
All I have for this service is the wsdl file. Does the JAXB - API allow
for creating complex data types from a wsdl file?

I am able to connect to the service and return string data (DOM
When I try to use an operation that returns a complex data type, I get a
Not Implemented error.

I tried to copy the complex data type out of the wsdl file and create an
xsd file, but when I try to compile the JAXB xjc created classes I get tons
errors. Mostly class does not exist or package does not exist.

I'm using the Sun One studio. Are there any system Variables I need to
setup other than JAVA_HOME and JWSDL_HOME to get Sun One to find all the
required packages?

And the final question: When I deploy this, is there a JRE that includes
all the XML classes?

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