Re: No ObjectFactory with an _at_XmlElementDecl for...

From: Don Walling, Jr. <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 22:48:27 -0700

Thanks for the update. Unfortunately I can reproduce the problem with
the June 5 nightly build, and I also just pulled the source straight
from cvs and can reproduce it using that snapshot as well. I'm not sure
what could be different if you're also testing the sample project with
the nightly build.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Don Walling wrote:
>> I'm updating an application from JAXB 1.0 to 2.1 and getting the error
>> "There's no ObjectFactory with an @XmlElementDecl for..." error on a
>> variety of methods. The issue seems to be related the use of implClass
>> in the bindings file. I'm wondering if there might be a bug in the
>> portion of XJC that creates the ObjectFactory method.
>> The bindings looks like:
>> <jaxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='PDFResultType']">
>> <jaxb:class implClass="com.adobe.internal.ddxm.ddx.pdf.PDFResult"/>
>> </jaxb:bindings>
>> <jaxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='TitleType']">
>> <jaxb:class implClass="com.adobe.internal.ddxm.ddx.metadata.Title"/>
>> </jaxb:bindings>
>> The TitleType is used in within several complexType elements in the
>> schema, including the PDFResultType, so the generated method in
>> ObjectFactory looks like:
>> @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name =
>> "Title", scope = PDFResult.class)
>> public JAXBElement<TitleType> createPDFResultTypeTitle(TitleType
>> value) {
>> return new JAXBElement<TitleType>(_PackageFilesTypeTitle_QNAME,
>> ((Class) Title.class), PDFResult.class, ((Title) value));
>> }
>> This yields the error "There's no ObjectFactory with an @XmlElementDecl
>> for the element {}Title." at runtime while
>> parsing the XML.
>> I get further by hand-editing the generated code to use
>> PDFResultType.class base class that JAXB generates rather than the
>> implClass as follows:
>> @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "
>> <> ", name = "Title", scope =
>> PDFResultType.class)
>> public JAXBElement<TitleType> createPDFResultTypeTitle(TitleType
>> value) {
>> return new JAXBElement<TitleType>(_PackageFilesTypeTitle_QNAME,
>> ((Class) Title.class), PDFResultType.class, ((Title) value));
>> }
>> The above code - changing PDFResult.class to PDFResultType.class -
>> seems to work (or at least I get past that error and on to the next). Is
>> this a problem in XJC or have I overlooked some configuration setting
>> that controls use of the base class verses the implClass in the
>> generated ObjectFactory? Or, is this just a symptom of some other issue?
> Thanks for filing
> See my comment to the issue.