Re: users Digest 3 Jul 2008 11:41:37 -0000 Issue 754

From: Paul Murray <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 09:53:50 +1000

On 03/07/2008, at 9:41 PM, wrote:

> Why don't you just use XSOM instead?

That looks to be what I was after. Thanks.

In the unwritten sequel, we go a thousand years further to a world in
which vast temple complexes have been built by the followers of each
of the seven theoreticians. Holy war is waged against all who dispute
that an elephant is very much like a tree, a fan, a rope etc.
Even worse are the cults venerating spears and fans as elephants,
planting bombs in the automobiles of those who insist that a wall is
merely a wall, and not an elephant at all.
~ Pope Nenslo, "The Bobliographon"