customizing choice mapping [Virus checked]

From: <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2008 21:58:18 +0200


i'm, using jaxb2.1.6 and i cannot find a solution for mapping of one
situation. Without customization xjc generates only list of jaxbElements.
With customization i have 3 or maybe 4 different errors depending on how
do i try to map elements to property names.

I also found this

Does someone know how to map it? Atm. it's not important, if "the same
elements" in various branches of choice are mapped to the same property or
to different properties. But to have the same element (name+type) mapped
to one property is prefered way.

 Error message depends also on fact, if i'm trying to map the elements
with the same name+type to the same property name or not.
Some of errrors:
com.sun.istack.SAXParseException2: Element "{http://x.y.z}b" shows up in
more than one properties.
com.sun.istack.SAXParseException2: compiler was unable to honor this
property customization. It is attached to a wrong place, or its
inconsistent with other bindings. (this one is from the same xsd as
previous, i only changed customized property names to the same for the
same element name+type)
Other errors i had was about ambiguity and about property name collision.

thank you for sharing your idea/solution

best regards