JAXB-1.0 FInal Version Implementation Issue.

From: Srinivas <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:34:30 +0800


Currently we are using the jaxb-1.0 beta version in production. Now we are planning to move to Weblogic8.1 server with JDK1.4.1.
We are planning to implement the jaxb-1.0 Final version. But when I search for the JDK1.4.1 we are unable to find the API.
I tried with JWSDP1.5 which uses JDK1.4.2 and 1.5, when we try to compile the code we get compilation errors.So, please let us know is there any way we can use the jaxb-1.0 Final release with jdk1.4.1 ( Our corporate direction is to use JDK1.4.1)

Looking forward for your suggestions.


K.Srinivas Rao (Mr)
Software Engineer
phone:- + 65 6887 7543
Fax:- +65 6778 5277

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