Re: Accessor for _at_XMLList-annotated properties??

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:44:14 +0200

Is the Java code you show generated with xjc?

When I generate Java code from the corresponding Schema
(...xs:simpleType><xs:string itemType="xs:string"/>...)
there is also an @XmlElement(required="true") annotation after the @XmlList.
I can't say whether this helps, but it's worth a try.

If the Java code is hand-written and the aformentioned addition fails, I'd
suggest that you cheat on the client side and define your SetSubscriptions
simply as:

public class SetSubscriptions {

   protected String fooType;

   public void setFooType( List<String> fooList ){
      ... a few obvious lines...


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Kristofor Jacobson <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm building a JaxWS client to a .NET (3.5) web service. I'll skip
> the agony I encountered trying to get Metro working with the service
> (which uses Transport encryption and message authentication). For
> now, I just hacked out the WS-I portion of the WSDL so that I can use
> plain JAXWS.
> Now the problem is that one of the web service operations expects a
> space-separated list in a single parameter. At build-time,
> wsimport/jaxb generates a binding object that employes @XmlList on one
> of its properties:
> 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
> @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
> "fooType"
> })
> @XmlRootElement(name = "SetFoos")
> public class SetSubscriptions {
> @XmlList
> protected List<String> fooType;
> 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is fine, but when deployed, I get "WebServiceException" as follows:
> 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SEVERE: WSSERVLET11: failed to parse runtime descriptor:
> class
> do not have a property
> of the name {}fooType <>
> [java] class
> do not have a property
> of the name {}fooType <>
> [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] at
> 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I checked out the source for JAXB-RI 2.1.6 and put it in debug. The
> exception that is being thrown at line 510 of
> EndpointArgumentsBuilder$DocLit is caused by the call to
> getElementPropertyAccessor on the JAXBContext at line 499. The
> fooType property of the SetFoos element has the @XmlList annotation,
> and the binding information property impl class for the property is
> "ListElementProperty", which extends PropertyImpl (via ArrayProperty).
> Neither ListElementProperty nor ArrayProperty override
> getElementPropertyAccessor(), so at runtime, a null value is returned
> for the accessor and the exception is thrown.
> I can't change the WSDL/XSD provided by our business partner. What
> is the correct way to approach this? Is ListElementProperty broken?
> Thanks for any input :)
> -kris-
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