Re: Soap w/ Attachments without swaRef?

From: Dan Diephouse <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 14:39:45 -0500

Unfortunately this "profile" has absolutely no connection to reality and
what the old SwA spec was like. The SwA Profile invented a completely new
CID format and a completely new way to reference attachments in a wsdl. So
when the SwA profile came out there were in fact no frameworks which
conformed to it. How is that a profile? (not that you have to answer, I'm
just upset....)

It seems the WSDL spec doesn't really specify how attachments are to be
referenced well so all we have are implementations (like Axis 1.x) which
just don't allow actually referencing the attachment in the schema AFAIK.

MIME binding:


Here is a complete example from Axis that many people support:

I may just force users to add the SWA attachment into the JAX-WS attachment
map unless someone has better ideas. Thanks,

- Dan

On 1/4/07, Simeon Greene <> wrote:
> This is not a swaRef WSDL. It is Soap With Attachments and is purely an
> artifact of WSD MIME binding and not represented in XML schema (unlike
> MTOM and SwaRef). That would make it unsupported by JAXB IMO. For
> further reference see the WS-I Attachments Profile
> (, where this
> MIME binding support is described.
> -Simeon
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> > Dan Diephouse wrote:
> >> Hiya,
> >>
> >> I'm looking for a way to use JAXB with a legacy WSDL which doesn't
> >> use the
> >> wsi:swaRef type. Here's what the message looks like:
> >>
> >> <wsdl:message name="echoDataRequest">
> >> <wsdl:part name="text" type="xsd:string" />
> >> <wsdl:part name="data" type="xsd:base64Binary" />
> >> </wsdl:message>
> >>
> >> And my binding:operation:
> >>
> >> <wsdl:operation name="echoData">
> >> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="literal" />
> >> <wsdl:input>
> >> <mime:multipartRelated>
> >> <mime:part name="body">
> >> <soap:body parts="text" use="literal" />
> >> </mime:part>
> >> <mime:part name="data">
> >> <mime:content part="data" type="application/octet-stream"
> />
> >> </mime:part>
> >> </mime:multipartRelated>
> >> </wsdl:input>
> >> <wsdl:output>
> >> <mime:multipartRelated>
> >> <mime:part name="body">
> >> <soap:body parts="text" use="literal" />
> >> </mime:part>
> >> <mime:part name="data">
> >> <mime:content part="data" type="application/octet-stream"
> />
> >> </mime:part>
> >> </mime:multipartRelated>
> >> </wsdl:output>
> >> </wsdl:operation>
> >>
> >> Now the issue here seems to be that JAXB requires swaRef to read in an
> >> attachment. On my incoming message I have this:
> >>
> >> <text>Hello</text>
> >> <data href="cid:....."/>
> >>
> >> Is there any way to get JAXB to recognize that data is in fact an
> >> attachment
> >> without reworking my schema?
> >
> > Hmm. I don't think it works. As far as JAXB can tell, @href is just
> > invalid and it will simply ignore that, and consider "" to match
> > bas64Binary, hence length-0 binary data.
> >
> > Did some spec at point advocated this kind of swaRef support? If so,
> > we can consider handling this. But if this is invented by this
> > particular appliation, I don't think we can afford to handle such cases.
> >
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Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |