- (JAXB Plugin) Customize the body of a setter method to fire bound properties
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.5 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.1 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.2 is released
- [HJ3] Cannot attach annotations to 'ref' elements
- [HJ3] How can i transfer the extendedCloneable plugin from HJ2 to HJ3?
- [jaxb-2.x] Cannot attach jaxb annotations to 'ref' elements
- Binding to javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature?
- CodeModel Patch
- Enum Plugin ?
- Getting a Java 5 enum from XJC
- Help with JAXB2
- Help with maven 2 plugin for jaxb 1.x
- help with unmarshaling
- Hosting plugin
- IllegalAnnotationsException when _at_XmlValue and _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter both present in xjc generated code.
- jaxb 1.0 and jaxb2.0 differences and simple binding (migration)
- Jaxb 2.1 sample bugs ?
- jaxb EAR project classloader problem - please help
- jaxb problem
- JAXB question
- JAXB2 versions
- JAXB2 versus Maven2
- Maven plugin and InvocationTargetException
- ns2 issue
- patch for maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Plugin development and debug
- Regression bug in XJC 2.1
- Removing elements
- required java version for jaxb usage
- restricting access to constructors of generated classes
- Serializable and Cloneable implements in a external customization file
- Soap w/ Attachments without swaRef?
- Suggestion: XPath binding annotations
- Support for Relax NG in JAXB 2.x
- Unmarshalling Question
- validation problems with whitespace in xml-files
- Wanted: Serialize and Deserialize example
- xjc and PropertyChangeSupport
- xjc and schema imports
- xjc generated classes with bound properties support
- xjc plugin: How to access enumeration value jxb:javadoc bindings?
- XJC task
- XML tag name changes after marshalling
- XMLEncoder and complexType elements
- xmlns attribute added to the root element after marshalling
- XmlType.propOrder
- Last message date: Wed Jan 31 17:46:35 2007
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT