Kenny MacLeod escreveu:
> The generated comment for the getter method does describe the reasons
> for not also generating a setter method. It wants you to use the
> add() method on the List instead.
> If you really need a setter method, then a custom XJC plugin is what
> you need:
> .
Hi Kenny, first of all thanks for answer ;-)
Ok I've got the point ;-)
Q1) Do you know some plugin that performs this ? or I've to write my own ?
Q2) Is safe to put a setter method for these List based properties such as.:
public List<Object> getSqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition() {
if (sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition == null) {
sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition = new
return this.sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition;
/* Is this method safe ?.*/
public void setSqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition(List<Object>
this.sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition =
Thank you very much
> Marcos wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I' currently facing a very interesting situation .... I've the
>> following .xsd (some parts were omitted for brevity).:
>> <xs:element name="loaderJob">
>> <xs:complexType>
>> <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
>> <xs:element ref="sql" minOccurs="0"
>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>> <xs:element ref="definitionInclude" minOccurs="0"
>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>> <xs:element ref="importDefinition" minOccurs="0"
>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>> <xs:element ref="restartCounter" minOccurs="0"/>
>> <xs:element ref="variables" minOccurs="0"/>
>> <xs:element ref="jdbcDefaultParameters" minOccurs="0"/>
>> <xs:element ref="echo" minOccurs="0"
>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>> <xs:element ref="copyTable" minOccurs="0"
>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>> </xs:choice>
>> </xs:element>
>> When I run the binding compiler against this .xsd I get access to the
>> elements through a List<Object> such as.:
>> (Annotations removed for brevity)
>> public class LoaderJob implements Serializable
>> {
>> /**
>> * Gets the value of the sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition
>> property.
>> *
>> * <p>
>> * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
>> * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
>> * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
>> * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the
>> sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition property.
>> *
>> * <p>
>> * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
>> * <pre>
>> * getSqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition().add(newItem);
>> * </pre>
>> *
>> *
>> * <p>
>> * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
>> * {_at_link Echo }
>> * {_at_link JdbcDefaultParameters }
>> * {_at_link ImportDefinition }
>> * {_at_link RestartCounter }
>> * {_at_link CopyTable }
>> * {_at_link Sql }
>> * {_at_link DefinitionInclude }
>> * {_at_link Variables }
>> *
>> *
>> */
>> public List<Object> getSqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition() {
>> if (sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition == null) {
>> sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition = new
>> ArrayList<Object>();
>> }
>> return this.sqlOrDefinitionIncludeOrImportDefinition;
>> }
>> }
>> Ok this method conforms to JavaBeans standards but the property
>> generated is "Read Only" and I have a routine that uses XMLEncoder to
>> save all the Java Objects tree to a stream and unfortunately this
>> composed property is not being correclty serialized by XMLEncoder ;-(
>> Is there some way to generate a setter for this property ? or even is
>> this the right approach to solve that ?
>> Would be perfect for me to save all the hierarchy of objects using
>> XMLEncoder ... because I don't need to touch in some already tested
>> routines ;-)
>> Thank you very much
>> Marcos
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