Chris Campbell escreveu:
> Thanks, Kohsuke and Jerome. I asked the following on Kohsuke's blog,
> but probably would be better to move the discussion here.
> 1) I just tried it with the xjc that comes with JDK 6, and the option
> wasn't recognized (says "unrecognized parameter -Xinject-listener-
> code"):
> % xjc -classpath property-listener-injector-1.0.jar -Xinject-listener-
> code catalog.xsd
Hi Chris,
These are the parameters I pass to xjc:
"-nv" "-p" "com.softing.etl.beans" "-d" "./src"
"./xmlschemas/loaderJob.xsd" "-Xinject-listener-code"
Never tried JAXB on JDK 6.0 but I think you've put a space after the dash:
-Xinject-listener- code
> However, the plugin works fine if I run it using the xjc that comes
> with JAXB 2.1 RI. So is this plugin dependent on JAXB 2.1? Is there
> a reason why it wouldn't work with the JAXB 2.0 that comes with JDK 6?
> 2) (From Mikael Grev...) The property name fired has the first
> character upper case (should be lowercase).
I can't help with this decision but IMHO it could be lowercase.
> 3) Why does it only generate "constrained" properties?
> constrained.html
I think it's because the plugin is in "beta" stage
> These are arguably more complex than the usual "bound" properties:
I agree
> Even the way the plugin generates "constrained" properties is not
> quite right, as Mikael pointed out already on Kohsuke's blog. For
> true "constrained" support, it would need to follow the steps listed
> on that tutorial page.
Yes You're right for "true" vetoable support the exception must be
thrown ... no catch statetement at all
> Personally, I would prefer that the plugin generate only "bound"
> properties by default. For example:
> @XmlTransient
> private final PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new
> PropertyChangeSupport(this);
> public String getTitle() {
> return this.title;
> }
> public void setTitle(String title) {
> String old = this.title;
> this.title = title;
> this.pcs.firePropertyChange("title", old, title);
> }
> Then if the user really wants "constrained" support (usually in
> addition to, but I suppose could be in place of) "bound" support,
> they could specify another argument to get that behavior. For example:
> % xjc -Xinject-bound-properties ...
> % xjc -Xinject-bound-properties -Xinject-constrained-properties ...
> % xjc -Xinject-constrained-properties ...
> Jerome or Marcos, any opinions?
I think would be nice if the plugin could get this kind of configuration
(bound or vetoable property option) from some "customization"
associated with the .xsd file.
I'm just not sure at this moment if this is really possible
> Would either of you be willing to take this on?
Yes I would like to write this part of this plugin because the
application that I'm actually writing
depends on this "conditional" behavior (bound or vetoable decision)
> Thanks,
> Chris
> On Jan 11, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>> I moved the plugin from Glassfish workspace to jaxb2-commons.
>> See
>> This is mostly the same code that Jerome had.
>> Marcos, it looks like you found a bug in it. If you are interested
>> in looking at the code, I'd be happy to make you a committer.
>> Otherwise, if you can send me a test case, I'd be happy to take a look.
>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>> Marcos wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm trying to write a plugin based on the one developed by Mr.
>>>> Jerome Dochez, found at.:
>>>> src/com/sun/tools/xjc/addon/property_listener_injector/
>>> We are just talking about moving this to jaxb2-commons.
>>>> JAXB's binding compiler generate setter methods for all elements
>>>> found in the .xsd file
>>>> but I would like to replace some parts to suit my needs .... as
>>>> follows.:
>>>> Before.: (Without the plugin)
>>>> /**
>>>> * Sets the value of the returnCode property.
>>>> *
>>>> * @param value
>>>> * allowed object is
>>>> * {_at_link String }
>>>> * */
>>>> public void setReturnCode(String value) {
>>>> this.returnCode = value;
>>>> }
>>>> After.: (Using the plugin)
>>>> /* PropertyChangeSupport inserted by my own plugin.*/
>>>> private PropertyChangeSupport changes = new
>>>> PropertyChangeSupport(this);
>>>> /**
>>>> * Sets the value of the returnCode property.
>>>> *
>>>> * @param value
>>>> * allowed object is
>>>> * {_at_link String }
>>>> * */
>>>> public void setReturnCode(String value) {
>>>> String oldReturnCode = this.returnCode; // This must be
>>>> inserted by my plugin
>>>> this.returnCode = value; // I'm
>>>> not sure if I can invoke the default implementation of JAXB to
>>>> retrieve this line of code ...
>>>> changes.firePropertyChange ("returnCode", oldReturnCode,
>>>> returnCode); // This must be inserted by my plugin
>>>> }
>>>> I know that each plugin has 02 interesting hook methods.:
>>>> onActivated (Options opt)
>>>> run (Outline model, Options opt, ErrorHandler)
>>>> How can I use these methods and JAXB RI API to inject the piece of
>>>> code that I need ?
>>> It really depends on what kind of code you want to inject. Why
>>> don't you start by looking at Jerome's code and modify it to fit
>>> your needs?
>> --
>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
>> Sun Microsystems
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