Re: (JAXB Plugin) Customize the body of a setter method to fire bound properties

From: Chris Campbell <Christopher.Campbell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 12:44:49 -0800

Hi Marcos,

Marcos wrote:
> Chris Campbell escreveu:
>> Thanks, Kohsuke and Jerome. I asked the following on Kohsuke's blog,
>> but probably would be better to move the discussion here.
>> 1) I just tried it with the xjc that comes with JDK 6, and the option
>> wasn't recognized (says "unrecognized parameter -Xinject-listener-
>> code"):
>> % xjc -classpath property-listener-injector-1.0.jar -Xinject-listener-
>> code catalog.xsd
> Hi Chris,
> These are the parameters I pass to xjc:
> "-nv" "-p" "com.softing.etl.beans" "-d" "./src"
> "./xmlschemas/loaderJob.xsd" "-Xinject-listener-code"
> Never tried JAXB on JDK 6.0 but I think you've put a space after the dash:
> -Xinject-listener- code

No, that was just my mailer's fault :)

As Kohsuke said, it's just not possible to use plugins with the xjc that
ships with JDK 6. Kind of too bad, but not the end of the world.
