[jaxb-2.x] Cannot attach jaxb annotations to 'ref' elements

From: Kostis Anagnostopoulos <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 19:44:41 +0200


(I'm resending this since i got no answer at all)

I cannot attach a jaxb-2.x customization on an element defined using
'ref' that refers to an element defined into some ther schema
(different file and namespace).

For instance, the following 2 schema extracts would generate errors on
the 'property' jaxb customization:

SCHEMA FILE: foo.xsd

   <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="bar.xsd" />

  <xsd:complexType name="parentType">
      <xsd:element ref="foo:someElement" >
          <jaxb:property ..../>

SCHEMA FILE: bar.xsd
  <xsd:element xmlns="" name=someElement">

I've attached an archived sample using maven2 manifesting my problem:
  hyperjaxb3-ankostis-ref-problem.tgz (14kb)

Although it uses the hj3, since the jaxb customizations are the cause
of the problem, i think the sample is appropriate.

Note that i have found the following old thread (from 2003) refering
to the same problem .

Any help appreciated.
