Re: xjc and PropertyChangeSupport

From: Chris Campbell <Christopher.Campbell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:40:04 -0800

On Jan 4, 2007, at 10:25 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2007, at 10:16 AM, Chris Campbell wrote:
>> Looks great; do you think it would be much work to make a more
>> standalone version? It seems there are some dependencies on other
>> APIs, so I'm just wondering how small it could be made.
> no it would not be much work, except that I am on vacation this
> week...

That's fine :) Let's discuss more when you return.

>> Does the schema also need to list "
>> listener-injector" as an extension namespace, or can that be
>> skipped for this particular plugin?
> i used external configuration to avoid polluting the original
> schema (actually it was a DTD...) but if you want to embed the
> plugin configuration in the original schema, yes you would need
> that namespace declaration.

By "external configuration" do you mean an .xjb file?

>> I'm hoping for the latter, because otherwise that would be yet
>> another thing that wsimport would need to know how to do.
> why don't you use an external configuration for the xjc plugin ?
> am I missing something ?

My main goal is to get wsimport to generate beans with full property
support. As such, I won't be using xjc manually to generate beans;
it would be wsimport that would use xjc internally (and hopefully
someday soon, your JAXB plugin) for this step. So I'm just trying to
figure out if there's a way for wsimport to leverage your JAXB plugin
without wsimport having to do anything special (like embedding the
namespace in the schema derived from the WSDL file, or using an
external configuration file).

I'm not familiar with the details of how wsimport uses xjc
internally, so I'm not sure what's possible here. Kohsuke, any
