Re: jaxb 1.0 and jaxb2.0 differences and simple binding (migration)

From: Aron Vaughan <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 13:55:56 -0600

> >This shouldn't be the csae. In fact when I compile that schema I only
> >get Booking, Company, Contact, ObjectFactory, and Student. So 5 classes
> > but without any JAXBElement things.

mystery solved!

 xjc version "2.0-b26-ea3"
JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, (build

acts as I have described. So I downloaded the 2.0.5 release and ran acts as you are describing (5 files created)

xjc version "2.0.5-b02-fcs"
JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, (build

so that's good - however, we can't use simple binding (since 1) it's subject
to change at any time 2) the pluralization makes migrating jaxb1.0 code more
difficult) -- what we'd like is that each toplevel element gets a class
generated (vs. an object factory method - which simple binding does (plus
optimization of the complex types)) - this makes migration a snap. Anyone
aware of an existing extension/plugin that does this?

we might write one, or stick with normal bindings (it just makes the
migration harder)

thanks for your time,