Re: (JAXB Plugin) Customize the body of a setter method to fire bound properties

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 19:03:30 -0800

I moved the plugin from Glassfish workspace to jaxb2-commons.


This is mostly the same code that Jerome had.

Marcos, it looks like you found a bug in it. If you are interested in
looking at the code, I'd be happy to make you a committer. Otherwise, if
you can send me a test case, I'd be happy to take a look.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Marcos wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to write a plugin based on the one developed by Mr.
>> Jerome Dochez, found at.:
> We are just talking about moving this to jaxb2-commons.
>> JAXB's binding compiler generate setter methods for all elements found
>> in the .xsd file
>> but I would like to replace some parts to suit my needs .... as follows.:
>> Before.: (Without the plugin)
>> /**
>> * Sets the value of the returnCode property.
>> *
>> * @param value
>> * allowed object is
>> * {_at_link String }
>> *
>> */
>> public void setReturnCode(String value) {
>> this.returnCode = value;
>> }
>> After.: (Using the plugin)
>> /* PropertyChangeSupport inserted by my own plugin.*/
>> private PropertyChangeSupport changes = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
>> /**
>> * Sets the value of the returnCode property.
>> *
>> * @param value
>> * allowed object is
>> * {_at_link String }
>> *
>> */
>> public void setReturnCode(String value) {
>> String oldReturnCode = this.returnCode; // This must be
>> inserted by my plugin
>> this.returnCode = value; // I'm not
>> sure if I can invoke the default implementation of JAXB to retrieve this
>> line of code ...
>> changes.firePropertyChange ("returnCode", oldReturnCode,
>> returnCode); // This must be inserted by my plugin
>> }
>> I know that each plugin has 02 interesting hook methods.:
>> onActivated (Options opt)
>> run (Outline model, Options opt, ErrorHandler)
>> How can I use these methods and JAXB RI API to inject the piece of code
>> that I need ?
> It really depends on what kind of code you want to inject. Why don't you
> start by looking at Jerome's code and modify it to fit your needs?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems