Re: (JAXB Plugin) Customize the body of a setter method to fire bound properties

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:36:09 -0800

Marcos wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to write a plugin based on the one developed by Mr.
> Jerome Dochez, found at.:

We are just talking about moving this to jaxb2-commons.

> JAXB's binding compiler generate setter methods for all elements found
> in the .xsd file
> but I would like to replace some parts to suit my needs .... as follows.:
> Before.: (Without the plugin)
> /**
> * Sets the value of the returnCode property.
> *
> * @param value
> * allowed object is
> * {_at_link String }
> *
> */
> public void setReturnCode(String value) {
> this.returnCode = value;
> }
> After.: (Using the plugin)
> /* PropertyChangeSupport inserted by my own plugin.*/
> private PropertyChangeSupport changes = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
> /**
> * Sets the value of the returnCode property.
> *
> * @param value
> * allowed object is
> * {_at_link String }
> *
> */
> public void setReturnCode(String value) {
> String oldReturnCode = this.returnCode; // This must be
> inserted by my plugin
> this.returnCode = value; // I'm not
> sure if I can invoke the default implementation of JAXB to retrieve this
> line of code ...
> changes.firePropertyChange ("returnCode", oldReturnCode,
> returnCode); // This must be inserted by my plugin
> }
> I know that each plugin has 02 interesting hook methods.:
> onActivated (Options opt)
> run (Outline model, Options opt, ErrorHandler)
> How can I use these methods and JAXB RI API to inject the piece of code
> that I need ?

It really depends on what kind of code you want to inject. Why don't you
start by looking at Jerome's code and modify it to fit your needs?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems