unmarshal generates null field

From: Luis Pinto <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 14:05:14 +0100

Hi, I have a Web Service created in java (1.6), with metro (2.0), using
maven, under Tomcat 6. In all web methods the return type is a generic

public class WsResult<T> {
     protected T result; // the actual result
     protected Code requestState; // 0K, or some error code if needed
     protected String message; // if error, instead of result, insert
a message

In some web methods it is working, but in others even in case of success
the result field is null.

The cases this happens is when the result type is a class with a single
attribute of type List<? class>.

This project is part of a biggest one. So for test purposes I created a
new one, simpler, just the project, with the same data model, and copy
one of the web methods, in this case it worked, and after unmarshal, I
had a result that i could cast to the expected type.

What could be happening?