Unnecessary System.err message from

From: John Wu <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 14:59:51 -0400

ClasspathCatalogResolver always emits the following System error messages,
even though the target schema exists in the same dir and the build
eventually succeeded:
                Could not resolve publicId [],
systemId [A.xsd]
                Could not resolve publicId [null], systemId

Here is the simple scenario:
- A.xsd and B.xsd are both in /src/main/resources/META-INF/schema;
- B.xsd imports A.xsd as follows:
                <xsd:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="A.xsd" />
- The maven project uses maven-jaxb2-plugin as follows:
                        ... ... ...


Just to clarify, ClasspathCatalogResolver works as expected on resolving
schema in the dependent episode. The scenario above is just simplified to
focus on the issue.

John Wu