Hiya everyone,
I was hoping someone could help me out a little...I suspect the answer is
fairly easy, and my question is not complicated...
In JAXB beta, I could define an XSD segment (purely bogus example):
<!-- namespace stuff all here...
for this example I'll use the targetNamespace as "cars"
<element name="car">
<attribute name="vin" type="string"/>
<element name="garage">
<element ref="cars:car" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
All this compiles in xjc just fine.
When I try to unmarshal, I could do:
Garage garage =
(Garage)u.unmarshal(new FileInputStream(_carsXmlInstanceFile));
Everything is still fine.
In JAXB beta, I could do:
Car car = garage.getCar();
Now, I can't do that....
Instead, with JAXB 1.0 in the JWSDP, I have to do:
CarType car = garage.getCar();
I HATE this. Its incredibly unintuitive. Conceptually, I want to operate
on a CAR, not on a CarType.
I know the difference between the two in JAXB 1.0 and how they're used.
Is there a way to make JAXB do this instead???:
Car car = garage.getCar();
where the method signature for JAXB's generated getCar() is:
my.package.name.Car getCar();
Can't I just do what beta used to do (and made sense)?
Thanks so much for any help.
<still weening off of JAXB beta>