OutOfMemory: I need help to compile big schema

From: Christelle Brun <cbrun_at_CRIM.CA>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 11:33:01 -0600


For a research project, I have to manipulate and modify mpeg-7 files,
wich are xml files.
I tried to compile mpeg-7 schema to generate Java classes with JAXB.

When I use mpeg-7 schema xjc.bat crashes.
Then, I tried the solution found in this list:
java -Xmx700m -jar ~/jwsdp-1.1/jaxb-1.0/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar Mpeg7-2001.xsd

In fact, it starts to parse the schema ( parsing a schema... is
printed) but then, an error occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

My pc has 768 mb RAM and I tried on a PC with Linux and 1Go RAM.....
same error...but sooner ;-(

Could you please help me? Could you tell me if this schema is too
complex for JAXB (I don't this so, and above all, I hope that's not the
problem) or if I just need to have more RAM, in this case, no problem
for me to buy some but I would like to be sure that's the solution.

The mpeg-7 schema can be downloaded on

The schema that has to be compiled is : Mpeg7-2001.xsd (Mpeg7-2001.xsd
uses all the 5 other .xsd files )

I really appreciate if someone with more RAM could try to compile this schema and I hope it will succes.

I thank you very much for your help,


Christelle Brun