Generating java objects from xml with no pre-compiling or external tools.

From: Abel Perez <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 18:26:03 -0700

Hi All,


It seems to me like anyway you put it, when it comes to converting xml to java and vice versa, there's always the precondition to runtime of generating java code from an xml file, or the post condition to runtime of generating xml/java to java/xml-the transition is always coupled to an external converter or implementation generator, to the address space of any running service. The use of xml in java services or systems, would be robust if a java agent system for example, could receive or find an xml file out in the network that's concurrent with a known interface, then convert that xml to a java instance, without having any prior knowledge or access to an implementation of the interface, the xml represents. In other words the xml file is the java's interface implementation. This type of flexibility would allow intelligent agents, to find instructions at runtime that are traversing the network in xml "not" serializable/marshalled java objects. Can any of you xml/java gurus out there reflect any possible approach to such an idea?

Abel Perez.